Finding comfort in tough times…

Well I know it has been a while since I have written (SORRY)!!!!! What I am going to briefly chat with you about today isn't the happiest of topics! (What a way to return... SORRY!!!) However it's apart of life and one that must be dealt with... At 11am today (4/28/12) I will be doing a memorial … Continue reading Finding comfort in tough times…

Today only last for …Today

What impact are you having on your world today? You have 24 hours. You have 1440 minutes. You have the opportunity to impact those around you in a powerful way. Are you using it? The truth is you are whether you realize it or not. You either have a negative impact or a positive one. You either are making steps … Continue reading Today only last for …Today

In need of an escape!

IF you know me then you know that I am very transparent with my life... Well these last two weeks have been STRESSFUL on all levels. My wife and I have gone through more family tragedies in the last two weeks then one would like to in a year. We are so uncomfortable, and  hurt it is unrealistic. Have you … Continue reading In need of an escape!