Fighting more than just a cold

Well it's that time of year again... People start dreaming of turkey's, and stuffing and sweet potatoes, and collard greens, and ham, and mac & cheese and ALL your favorite food. At the same time people are Christmas shopping and decorating the house with lights. For me it's that time when... I GET SICK!!!! YUP. … Continue reading Fighting more than just a cold

Fulfillment: Is it really obtainable? (Part 3)

>Due to technical difficulties (not having a Laptop) I had to take some time away from our series. But God has blessed and a new Laptop is upon us. So we will try jumping back into things. If you are just joining for the first time WELCOME, and feel free to read Part 1 & … Continue reading Fulfillment: Is it really obtainable? (Part 3)

Fulfillment: Is it really obtainable? (Part 2)

>Well hoping that you have read Part 1 to this blog on fulfillment I want to start by thanking you for returning to read part 2. I do not claim to be an expert in this matter. I only claim to live a fulfilled life by way of the ideas expressed in this series of … Continue reading Fulfillment: Is it really obtainable? (Part 2)