Be Strong and Courageous

I can remember when my father would give me advise. Sometimes it would be in very subtle ways when a certain situation would arise. There were also the firm commands which ought not be ignored for the more ear pleasing tones of situational wisdom. What got me reflecting on this was reading 1 Kings 2. David is about … Continue reading Be Strong and Courageous

Buckle your seat belts…

Well hello everyone, You may wonder why I haven't written as much lately... (Or you can assume I am just lazy and not think a second thought), BUT lets say for a moment you wondered what happen  to that guy trying to post more regularly? WELL... (Please read the title) BUCKLE UP!!!! Since my last … Continue reading Buckle your seat belts…

In darkness, HIS light shines

Have you ever had a time in which your mind was working over time? It's like you just kept thinking about things? Important things, silly things, things that may never even happen. But somehow you were reacting to what you were thinking as if those "things" had all happened and it was a hot mess.... … Continue reading In darkness, HIS light shines