Blog Posts

Transitions are Tough

Transitions can be challenging, am I right? Whether moving, changing jobs, or developing new relationships, there is an inevitable hurdle that seems to trip us up. Now that hurdle may look different for each person, but we all face it. Transitions can cause tremendous amounts of emotional turmoil.That emotional disturbance often has physical ramifications that…

Letter to the Church #2

Here is another letter we sent out to our church in light of what we saw take place in our nation’s Capitol. Dear Church Family,  We wanted to send out a brief note to everyone as we aim to help you engage our culture with a biblical worldview. On Wednesday, January 6th, the world saw…

Wide World of Words

During my last vacation, I had the wonderful opportunity to people-watch outside of where I live. I also spent a bit more time watching the news and more importantly peoples’ reactions to the news. Christians do not fight for their beliefs by assaulting, killing, name-calling, or the like. Pastor Brolin Rosquist That line from Pastor…

Two sides of the same coin

Have you heard this phrase before? Two sides of the same coin It often refers to two things that may seem unrelated but are parts of a whole. This is how I feel about my pain and my faith. Specifically, I am referring to my ongoing frustration concerning the world I live in with all…

What I fear the most

So I notice that in my short time on this planet I have had a variety of experiences. Throughout each experience, I have learned a lot. What I have learned most is that I have a very deep-seated fear in one thing. When I am confronted with this fear anxiety sets in like you wouldn’t…

Tough talks as a Dad

Daddy, Am I beautiful? Immediately as I heard these words I wanted to jump into rescue mode. I wanted to say ALL the words that came to my mind to answer this question with a resounding YES. However, I was uncertain where this question was coming from. So while I affirmed my daughter with a…


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