My Last Day (Reflections on my final day at Moody Bible Institute

Well… here it is,

The final day of my full-time employment with Moody Bible Institute.

I woke up this morning like any other morning but I knew something was different. I didn’t say anything. I kept going about my morning routine.

When I was prepared to leave the house I kissed my children and my wife (as I do every morning) however, this time kissing my wife was different. She was in tears.

I looked at her and knew what was wrong.

“This is significant for you” I stated this only to break the silence

“Yes. it was just over three years ago we moved here for this opportunity and now it is gone”.

She was right. My son was born here. We had purchased our first home. My family has struggled and grown in some dynamic ways in the short three years here.
As I drove to work I began to reflect on all the people who have been here longer. The people who have greater stories than mine.

The point – I have been extremely blessed these last three years to work for Moody Bible Institute and honored to have served at the Spokane (Pronounced Spo-CAN, not Spo-CANE) Campus. I have learned so much from so many wonderful and Godly people.

I have been humbled to work with an AMAZING body of students. My life and that of my family have been forever changed.

I am consistently reminding myself of who I truly serve.  When transitions in life come while they may be a surprise to me, God has a plan. Therefore, I must remember that God knows what He is doing. He knows how to take care of me.

I pray that you can rest in that truth. That God is not caught off guard by transitions in life but rather is working things out in our lives for His glory.

Moody Bible Institute I thank you for the wonderful opportunity. MBI – Spokane Campus I thank you for believing in me and championing me like few have in the past.

May God bless you all. May God bless the school that D.L. Moody founded. May God’s will be done.

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