West Coast Love

Greeting from the west…

For those who don’t know the Anderson’s now live in Washington State!

We took a new job that led us across the country.

Monday May 11th we left PA and drove just under 2500 miles as we arrived in Spokane WA  on May 15th.

OH we made this trip in a Budget rental truck while towing our car. OH with my two-year old daughter. OH and my wife was 35 weeks pregnant. 🙂

One thing my wife realized a while back is that life can get pretty crazy. God has led us on some wild adventures. The thing that keeps us grounded is 1) knowing that God is always in control, and 2) knowing that our family is committed to being together.

A lot of people have asked us how we are adjusting to the move. To be honest we both felt as if this move wasn’t a huge as it seemed. (we could just be crazy)

We say this because everyone was on board. Even Carmen was super excited to ride in the truck.

This move was HUGE in the sense of timing and logistics. From me receiving our new job offer and us actually driving across the country was about 2 weeks 🙂 (WHO DOES THAT?)

However we know that our little family was standing by each other and felt good about whatever we decided. Ultimately our adjustment is greatly determined by how connected we remain to each other and to God.

A few hours after arriving in WA we were greeted by my boss and several college students who came to help us unload the truck.

The toughest part is probably the time change. I mean most of my East Coast friends are fast asleep when I put my daughter down to bed. 🙂

Nonetheless the Anderson’s are doing great! We are excited to see what else is in store. Thanks for your prayers and please keep praying 🙂


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