Prayer for our little guy (pt.2)

First, let me start by thanking everyone who is praying. It really means a lot to see so many people rally around us (both physically and virtually).

We have believed all along that God is in complete control. There has been no conclusion drawn on our part as we were told this may be nothing. We wanted to get more information so we can accurately understand what was being communicated.

More information is what we received. As we followed up with another doctor (a 4+ hour appointment) they thoroughly examined our little guy. They then sat us down with everyone from a Nurse practitioner to a Genetic Counselor so everyone can discuss to what they are looking out for and the possible complications.

When we finally met with the doctor we were exhausted. Long story short this doctor is not  concerned with what was originally seen. While there is always a chance of anything happening they felt good with what they saw that day. Praise God!!!!

Bottom line for us – We have been praying and will continue to pray for our little family.

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