Mother-Son Bond

If you know me then you know that I grew up in the best place ever…. New York City

South Bronx to be exact!

Now that I have a child of my own I can really admire/appreciate the amount of energy and love my parents poured out in order to raise me.

My mother is now in a unique place in her life. She has always believed in God but never really learned what that would look like. Now she is on FIRE! She is reading her bible, she is going to church and she hungry to learn about GOD!

This week I purchased workbooks for us. We will go through it and work on the “Basics” together. This is really a neat experience for both of us. I mean it is an honor for me to “teach” my mom.

This is my mother! She has taught me so much. She has and continues to love me unconditionally.
However for this moment in our life she has allowed me to help her.
We are walking down this journey together and honestly this may be the closest we have ever been.

I thank God for His grace and mercy to bring us to this point. Praise God from who all blessings flow!

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