What a journey

Well I have realized that I out of all my posting I haven’t updated anyone with my reading schedule…

Somethings have changed do to an incredible journey I have been on…

I have really been working through issues of Race & Religion. I have shifted my reading to understand more about my cultural which will develop into learning about multiple cultural’s.

So here are some books I have worked through in the last two months and here are some I am working through…


Building a Healthy Multi-Ethnic Church by Mark DeYmaz

United by Faith by Paul Curtiss DeYoung, Michael Emerson, George Yancey and Karen Kim Chai

Divided by Faith by Michael Emerson

The Color of Church by Rodney Woo


Currently working

You will notice that all the books listed in this section have all be started by I put down to finish the books above. My goal is that during the month of May I will finish these here so I can move forward with some other reading

Liberating Black Theology by Anthony Bradley (I need to pick this back up)

Freeman by Leonard Pitts Jr (I need to pick this back up)

Sacred Marriage: What if God designed Marriage to make us Holy more than to make us Happy by Gary Thomas (I need to pick this back up)


I look to update you some interesting fact from the books I finished since I clearly didn’t keep anyone posted that I even started them.

Most of these deal with a specific topic however if you have any book that you really enjoy feel free to share and I can certainly add them to my list.


4 thoughts on “What a journey

  1. If you are reading about race and religion I would highly recommend “Bloodlines” by John Piper!

    1. I actually have that book… I should have made a list of what I will be reading next as that would have been on there. Thanks for the suggestion 🙂

    1. I am sorry about that. Thanks for trying to check it out anyway. I hope you get a chance to read through a bit when you are around a computer.

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