Happy OCTOBER!!!!


I know I have been kind of absent for September but I promise to be around more for October. With that said let us start the month off RIGHT!!!!

I mentioned in my last posted that I had a few things to fill you in about.. WELL here we go…

I have health insurance. If you know me, you know this is HUGE!!! I was on anti-Seizure medication a while back and ran out, but now that I am insured once again I can resumed testing and get back on meds! So that is the first thing… THE SECOND IS>>>>>>>>>

One morning when I had two major medical test lined up I was.. rear-ended… YUP! The damage wasn’t terrible (about $900) worth, however the person doesn’t have insurance. I am thinking through  what I should do because the car is my second vehicle that I purchased for $1200 and isn’t worth fixing for that much myself. I was already on the verge of looking to get rid of this car… SO we will see what becomes of this…

This has been my wonderful end/beginning to OCTOBER but nonetheless I am excited about experiencing “fall” in Florida or its version of it, and I am excited about entering the last leg of our trimester for Carmen!!!!!

Although the leaves may not change, our hearts sure do and everyday we fall more and more in love with what God is doing in our lives!!! What is God doing that makes you crazy excited???

I'd love to read your thoughts