Change is inevitable…

Change is inevitable…

The reality of that statement could not be more terrifying for many people. Change seems to take people out of their comfort zone. However if you’re like me (and there are strange people like me 🙂 ), then you love change… I embrace it with an open heart. WHY? There are two reasons the first being I HATE (strong word I know) monotony. I mean the same thing over and over… UMM no thank you. So I enjoy when things are different. (we will get to the second reason soon)

Well in my life things are going to change drastically in two huge ways…

First, and most important – I mentioned on another post my beautiful bride is caring our 1st child. (YAY!!) This is going to change things, and in fact already has. This is a great change. The entire pregnancy experience is quite interesting. We are reading through “What to expect when you’re expecting” and I must say I am completely fascinated by what is taking please in her body. I’m not sure how guys act during pregnancy but I am completely involved (except for the carrying a baby part, can’t do that 🙂 ). I LOVE IT!!!! We are due in January and let me tell you we are truly excited to have such a blessing come into our lives.

See my bride has polycystic ovarian syndrome which for reasons that are not well understood, the hormones in a woman become unbalance. This affects things including her menstrual cycle and getting pregnant. At one time we weren’t sure if we would even be able to having children.

Second, we will be moving to Florida in July. As I finish up my Graduate degree (Seminary – Master’s of Divinity) I have to complete an Internship which will take us ALL  the way near Tampa Bay, that’s over 1100 miles south!  In North East Pennsylvania (NEPA) the weather is emotional at best, with the winters being least enjoyable for most. However I LOVE SNOW as well as cold weather.  Talk about change. To me the land of Florida is just hot. Way to hot. Then there are the beaches. My wife would live on the beach if she could. Did I mention I love the cold?

Life is extremely precious and no matter where on this wonderful Earth you are, you have the chance to impact those around you. I may not like the heat, but I can’t complain as long I’m on this side of the grave. I know that I will enjoy myself in FL or where ever I go because the most important people are with me, as well as I understand exactly why I’m there. Life is not measured by the number of breaths you take but by the moments that take your breath away. This quote is extremely important to remember.

Now that was all describing how my life was going to change, but here is the kicker to why I love it so much…

I am completely confident that whatever we face, wherever we go, no matter how challenging or how awesome God is entirely in control. In fact no matter what dream in my heart, God allows whatever is best for me to manifest. Therefore, change is just God’s way of opening up new doors in my life. The transitions that I make only come to make me trust in Him even more that the day before. I am completely fulfilled in what God is doing and therefore I can rejoice!

Proverbs 19:21
Many are the plans in the mind of a man,
but it is the purpose of the Lord that will stand.

How does change impact your life? Any changes that you may be going through that seem unfair or unbearable? Remember God has a purpose for allowing change in our lives! If you’d like to share, I loved to hear! Keep in touch!

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