Fulfillment: Is it really obtainable? (Part 1)

>Many times we have heard the word “fulfilled” but how many of us know what that truly means. Dictionary.com says that the word means “To measure up to; satisfy”. So if we take that meaning and go with it, there may be a series of questions that can follow.

1) What does it matter that I am fulfilled?
2)How does one become fulfilled?
3)Is that a realistic goal, to be fulfilled?

Well first off I would say that before these questions can be answered the most important step and even most beneficial one would be, achieving self awareness. Now you may not see how this plays a part in this process but travel with me on this journey for a few and we will get there. In fact I would probably say that there are SEVERAL steps involved to becoming fulfilled and without them well you just may be living a life in where you falsely believe your happy but deep inside there is no real depth.

So back to this Pre-fulfillment check list as I will call it. It is very important that you keep in mind all this information needs to be filtered through your own culture. This process although similar in many ways but will ultimately look different for each person.

So following in order will be our Pre-fulfillment check list:
In order to be Self-Aware which helps lead to fulfillment you should :

1)Understand ones foundation/beliefs
2)Understand one’s strengths/potential
3)Understands one’s weaknesses/limitations
4)Understanding one’s purpose/drive (not as big as perceived)

With the Big Four here listed you see that from the ground up this is the framework of essentially who you are.

Most people however have been taught the answers of what they believe without really knowing the why aspect of them. So truly understanding in depth why do you believe what you do is going to be instrumental in this beginning process. This may take researching concepts, or even changing a way you think/practice something. Never be afraid of change as it is a necessary part of life.

The same goes for realizing ones strength’s and weaknesses. This will take some time but be well worth it. I would say the goal wouldn’t be to make your weakness stronger so that you become average but rather perfecting your strengths and maintaining the level of your limitations (not letting them get any weaker).

The last of the big four is understanding ones purpose/driving force in Life. I will personally say that this to me will be extreme important as you need to realize the reason for what you do. Excluding God and the design He has from this process will be dangerous as we then search for our own personal motives, nonetheless for most people to even be willing to examine the purpose of their lives on this deep of a level is amazing.

So there is a brief description of some things that can lead you down the path of Self-awarenesses which when there you can begin to look back at those three questions involving fulfillment.

1) What does it matter that I am fulfilled?
2)How does one become fulfilled?
3)Is that a realistic goal, to be fulfilled?

There will be a part two to this post, so don’t think just because we haven’t touched on the first three questions we never will. Patience is key in all that we do in our lives. We need to have a good grasp of how one should start the process keeping in mind where we are going. So we start here so that one day we end up answering Fulfillment: Is it really obtainable?

Now each idea expressed here can be a full length blog in itself, so if there are any questions or concerns please comment here or email me.
Thank You and may God continue to bless you.

One thought on “Fulfillment: Is it really obtainable? (Part 1)

  1. >”I would say the goal wouldn’t be to make your weakness stronger so that you become average but rather perfecting your strengths and maintaining the level of your limitations (not letting them get any weaker).”-I like this perspective. I think I’ll give it a try.

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